(402) 844-8000

Norfolk Medical Group

Norfolk Medical Group Patients

You can make an appointment at Norfolk Medical Group quickly and easily. Calling ahead will allow you to attend to other commitments and plan for an appointment at a convenient time.

We are located at 3901 W Norfolk Ave, Norfolk, NE 68701 or call (402) 844-8000.

Remember when scheduling your next appointment:

  • Your health care is confidential. From your first contact with us to schedule an appointment, your health information is protected according to Norfolk Medical Group’s privacy policy.
  • When you make an appointment, explain what your needs are so our staff can schedule an appointment of the appropriate length of time and with the appropriate provider. If you would like to request or change your primary care provider, we’ll do our best to meet your needs.
  • Be sure to call Norfolk Medical Group if you are unable to keep an appointment.